Allie Shaw Organizer in the news

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  • Death Cleaning: How to Survive an Estate Clean-Out After Loss

    Organizing and clearing out an entire home is not most people’s idea of a good time. Doing so while grieving compounds that sense of dread and overwhelm. So perhaps it’s a bit of a surprise that The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning, Margareta Magnusson’s 2017 book chronicling her approach to ordering an estate in the wake of a loss, was a smash success.

  • 6 Spring Cleaning Tips

    First thing you need to do? Rethink everything you know. Narcity sat down with Allie to get some tips on how to sort out your life so you can make the most of the spring weather when it arrives.

  • Are You a Micro or a Macro Organizer?

    Organizing doesn’t look the same for everyone — an app or system that works for someone may not work for you. Allie Shaw’s genius insight is simple but once you apply it, you’ll notice a major difference in how your home functions and feels.

  • These 15 Things Will Make Your Tiny Space Feel So Much Bigger

    As cozy as they are, small spaces call for some extra TLC. You can give your home this extra care by purchasing one-and-done items — think statement full-length mirrors and multi-use storage — that maximize your floor plan and allow for the occasional dance party with minimal damage to the surrounding furniture.

    Thankfully, some of TikTok’s favorite professional organizers also have tips to help make small apartments feel bigger by focusing on tidiness and overall order. Allie Shaw, a Toronto-based organizer who works with clients to declutter their homes, thinks strategic storage is a must. “Where you store things can help, especially in small, tight spaces,” she tells Bustle.